Auto Industry Recycling

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Auto Industry Recycling

The process of paying cash for scrap cars is one of our core functions. As a long-standing junk car hauler, we are experienced in the auto recycling market. When attempting to receive money for a scrap car, the vehicle title is required throughout Ohio. You can simply call our office Monday through Saturday for a quick quote for a junk car. Those looking for a place for scrapping cars in Cuyahoga, Lake or Geauga County are encouraged to contact us. Did you know that in the United States each year between 12 million and 15 million cars are scrapped, providing sizeable amounts of salvageable components and recyclable materials.

In the June 23, 2016 edition of Environmental Leader a story titled ‘Sustainability Attracts Customers, Generates Revenue, Reduces Risk’ was published by Jessica Lyons Hardcastle with the following details: “According to GM’s Mari Kay Scott, they has leveraged their environmental initiatives to attract new customers, generate $1B in new revenue streams from recycling & reuse, and reducing company risk. In the opening keynote address at Environmental Leader’s conference she acknowledged that sustainability is great for the environment — and also good for business. In her keynote speech she said it’s important to set company-wide goals — such as their landfill-free sites. Setting aggressive targets to get the leaders on board with the vision and once the goals have been set and communicated to employees, the process is in place. If facilities aren’t reaching their targets, we’ll help with practices such as daylighting, turning off lights at lunch and breaks to improve energy efficiency. Upgrading equipment in sites can take them to the next level.

Reporting to allow employees to see if they are meeting targets — and compare their progress to other departments is good. To reduce waste and increase recycling and reuse, they suggest a dumpster dive. Remove everything from the dumpster to determine its source as well as it if can be reused or recycled. One example, the company turns employees’ recycled water bottles into noise-reducing fabric insulation that supports the Chevrolet Equinox engine — thus saving money on purchasing new materials — and turns polystyrene foam material into footwear.

Their Canadian Auto Manufacturing Inc. assembly turns scrap wood into mulch and the Grand Rapids site recycles grinding wheels as sandpaper. Additionally, they use best practices with suppliers; they do this through conference calls between plants & regular communication with resource managers and sustainability leads. The full story is available at

 The process of scrapping cars

If your vehicle is facing some costly repair bills it may be time to consider calling to obtain cash for scrap cars. We are a locally established junk car hauler that can usually pick up your damaged or wrecked vehicle the same day. Contact our junk car buyer six-days a week for a quote for a junk car. Those of us who pay money for a scrap car can provide you an accurate value of your junk vehicle. Did you know that automobile liquids in our operation are kept from contaminating the local environment? We seek to maintain a positive environmental impact for the preservation of the important resources.

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